NEED HELP? 905-451-2123 or 1-877-451-2123 
IN CRISIS? 24.7 Crisis Support Peel Dufferin 905-278-9036 or 1-888-811-2222
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Back to School Mental Health Tips
Sep 6th, 2018

Back to school mental health tips As students and parents prepare for back-to school-season, CMHA Peel Dufferin is reminding people to keep mental health in mind during the transition. While…

Astuces pour la santé mentale durant la rentrée scolaire
Aug 30th, 2018

Astuces pour la santé mentale durant la rentrée scolaire Tandis que les élèves et les parents se préparent à la rentrée scolaire, l’ACSM (filiale) rappelle aux gens de garder la…

Journée internationale de sensibilisation aux surdoses
Aug 30th, 2018

La tragédie des décès par surdose est évitable L’Association canadienne pour la santé mentale se joint à la population et aux organismes du monde entier pour souligner la Journée internationale…

International Overdose Awareness Day
Aug 30th, 2018

The tragedy of overdose death is preventable The Canadian Mental Health Association joins people and organizations around the world to mark International Overdose Awareness Day, a global event held each…

CMHA celebrates National Volunteer Week
Jul 23rd, 2018

CMHA Peel Dufferin volunteers are a vital part of our team. By giving generously of their time, talents and energy to support the work of our organization throughout the year,…

National Indigenous Peoples Day – June 21, 2018
Jul 23rd, 2018

June 21, 2018 Open Letter from the Canadian Mental Health Association June 21 of every year marks an opportunity in Canada to recognize the contributions that First Nations, Métis, and…

A message from CEO David Smith
Jul 17th, 2018

As we head into the holiday season and a new year, I want to thank you for your continued support and dedication to our clients and our community. Your support…

Media Release: CMHA invites you to be part of something BIGGER!
Jun 20th, 2018

Brampton, Ontario – The Canadian Mental Health Association Peel Dufferin is gearing up for its 5th annual Ride Don’t Hide, a community bike ride and walk through the Caledon Hills…

Journée Nationale Des Peuples Autochtones – Le 21 juin 2018
Jun 20th, 2018

Le 21 juin 2018 Lettre ouverte de l’Association canadienne pour la santé mentale Le 21 juin de chaque année est pour nous une occasion de célébrer les contributions qu’apportent les…

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