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Community mental health and addictions at a crisis point: CMHA Ontario at budget committee
Feb 14th, 2023

With the budget due next month and the province in surplus, Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA) Ontario is urging the government to commit $125 million to bolster the community mental…

Resources to protect your mental health online on Safer Internet Day
Feb 7th, 2023

Feb. 7 marks Safer Internet Day, which provides an opportunity for Canadian Mental Health Association branches to remind their communities of strategies for using the internet, social media and related…

Ontario’s CMHAs call for significant funding increase to community mental health and addictions this Bell Let’s Talk Day
Jan 25th, 2023

(Brampton, January 25, 2023) – Canadian Mental Health Associations (CMHAs) across Ontario are calling on the province for a substantial, immediate and ongoing base funding increase for the community mental…

CMHA Peel Dufferin recognizes National Addictions Awareness Week
Nov 20th, 2022

November 20-26 marks National Addictions Awareness Week (NAAW), an annual awareness campaign coordinated by the Canadian Centre for Substance Use and Addiction in cooperation with all its partner organizations, including…

CMHA commemorates Transgender Day of Remembrance
Nov 20th, 2022

CMHA Peel Dufferin joins individuals and organizations worldwide to commemorate the Transgender Day of Remembrance, an annual observance on November 20 that honours the memory of transgender people whose lives…

New pilot project adds a critical component to crisis response in Peel
Sep 29th, 2022

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE New pilot project adds a critical component to crisis response in PeelCrisis workers can now respond to mental health calls reportedto Peel Regional Police that do not…

Overdose is preventable: know the signs
Aug 29th, 2022

There were more than 2,800 opioid-related deaths in Ontario in 2021. To combat this crisis, CMHA Peel Dufferin joins individuals and organizations in recognizing International Overdose Awareness Day (IAOD) on…

Call CMHA Peel Dufferin to get immediate access to a mental health worker
Aug 24th, 2022

This page will be updated as information evolves. COVID-19 Updates Mental health and addictions support is identified as an essential service, permitting community organizations to remain open and continue to…

International Self-Care Day
Jul 25th, 2022

CMHA Peel Dufferin joins individuals and organizations around the globe in celebrating International Self-Care Day on July 24, which aims to raise public awareness of the importance of self-care to…

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