Case Management
Nov 18, 2019
What is Case Management?
The goal of Dufferin Case Management is to promote support independence and improve quality of life, helping the person on a path to their personal recovery.
Who can benefit?
Adults 18 years of age or over with significant mental health and/or addiction issues that has limited have negatively impacted their ability to function on a daily basis for a prolonged period of time.
What are the major benefits?
- Establishing a supporting, trusting relationship with the individual through regular visits
- Help person navigate the system and advocate for the services/supports they need
- Complete assessment of needs using OCAN tool to develop personal recovery goals
- Provide education about mental health, medications, coping strategies, etc.
- Crisis intervention and planning to increase persons ability to manage future stressors
How to reach us?
Call 1-877-451-2123 for intake and referral.
Access: Intake, Information, Referrals