NEED HELP? 905-451-2123 or 1-877-451-2123 
IN CRISIS? 24.7 Crisis Support Peel Dufferin 905-278-9036 or 1-888-811-2222
At risk for homelessness? | STREET HELPLINE 1-877-848-8481
If you’re thinking about suicide, 9-8-8 is here to help. Call or text 9-8-8 toll-free, anytime.

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Peer support groups offer a safe space for people with lived experience of mental health and/or addiction issues to connect, share, and support one another. Most of these are “open” groups, so new members are welcome to join any time. Whenever possible, groups are facilitated by staff with lived experience.

We currently offer groups online and in person at Recovery West to adults (16 and older) who reside in our service area. To join in person groups, drop in at Recovery West. To join online groups, call (905) 451-2123 or email to get the group link or call in number. Download our monthly calendar or check the events calendar for the current schedule.

March 2025 Online Groups Calendar

March 2025 Recovery West Calendar 

Would you like to receive monthly updates from Recovery West to your e-mail? If yes, subscribe here.


Recovery College 

At the Recovery West Recovery College, we take an education based approach to wellness and recovery. We aim to empower people to become experts in their own wellness and build skills and tools for recovery. Courses are developed and delivered in partnership with peer supporters. We welcome new and returning students who are adults (16 and older) and reside in our service area. Unlike peer support groups, Recovery College courses are open to both people with lived experience and anyone with an interest in learning about the course material. Courses run 1-10 sessions and students who attend all sessions of a course will receive a certificate.

Recovery College terms start in January, May and September, with registration opening a few weeks before the new term. For more information and a list of our current courses, download our Course Catalogue.

View the 2025 Winter Course Catalogue here 

To register for courses, click here












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