NEED HELP? 905-451-2123 or 1-877-451-2123 
IN CRISIS? 24.7 Crisis Support Peel Dufferin 905-278-9036 or 1-888-811-2222
At risk for homelessness? | STREET HELPLINE 1-877-848-8481
If you’re thinking about suicide, 9-8-8 is here to help. Call or text 9-8-8 toll-free, anytime.

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Phased approach to in-person service delivery
Aug 19th, 2020

CMHA Peel Dufferin continues to be a leader in mental health and addiction services. We are still committed to providing quality care. Please see the link below for how we…

U of T students develop informatics platform to aid COVID-​19 decision making
Jul 29th, 2020

Rapid Evidence Access Link (REAL) is a COVID-19 evidence pipeline for government and health sector leaders An interdisciplinary team of health systems students and professionals built a digital platform that…

CMHA Peel Dufferin Mobile Health Clinic powered by TELUS Health is now in the community
Jul 15th, 2020

Today the CMHA Peel Dufferin Mobile Health Clinic powered by TELUS Health was launched.  This specially-equipped clinic on wheels will provide essential primary medical care, mental health care and addiction supports…

Virtual Client Townhall – COVID-19 Service Updates at CMHA Peel Dufferin
Jul 10th, 2020

If you were unable to attend the live townhall, here is a recording.  If you have any other questions, please reach out to your CMHA Peel Dufferin case worker.

Statement from Canadian Mental Health Association Peel Dufferin
Jun 28th, 2020

The Canadian Mental Health Association Peel Dufferin is devastated over the events that took place Saturday, June 20th in Malton. Ejaz Ahmed Choudry sadly lost his life at a time when what he desperately needed was help and compassion. Given the work…

CMHA Ontario responds to the death of yet another individual experiencing a crisis
Jun 25th, 2020

(Toronto, June 24, 2020) – The following is a statement from Camille Quenneville, CEO, of the Canadian Mental Health Association, Ontario in reaction to the death of Ejaz Choudry: “It’s sad,…

Statement from CMHA Peel Dufferin: These last few weeks have been very heavy on all our hearts
Jun 18th, 2020

These last few weeks have been very heavy on all our hearts. The horror of anti-Black racism has brought to the forefront centuries of race-based abuse and death inflicted against…

Resources to protect your health, safety and well-being during COVID-19
Jun 8th, 2020

At CMHA Peel Dufferin, we are committed to protecting the health, safety and well-being of every staff member, student, volunteer, service user, and family member in our community. With the amount…

Ryerson University and Rogers Cybersecure Catalyst partner with CMHA Peel Dufferin to support food security for local families and raise awareness of mental health supports during COVID-19
Jun 1st, 2020

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Ryerson University and Rogers Cybersecure Catalyst partner with CMHA Peel Dufferin to support food security for local families and raise awareness of mental health supports during COVID-19…

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