Framework for Support
The Framework for Support is a tool developed by CMHA National, helping to define what an adequate system of support looks like for people with mental illness (commonly referred to as consumers). The framework first presumes and we accept that the system should be built with the consumer at the centre of the model. It also recognizes the assets that consumers bring to their potential for recovery, the aspects of life that should be considered, the natural sources of support that exist, and the formal services that may play a role in recovery.
It gives mention to work, housing, and education. It highlights the role of consumers and their family members as readily as it identifies community and medical services. It gives due consideration to the knowledge and experience that a consumer has, indeed that we all have.
The Framework puts all these aspects in one place and helps service planners, like the Branch, maintain an orderly focus on where they may fit in the lives of people with mental illness. It keeps our view of what we may contribute broad.
Read the full Framework for Support (PDF)